A few years ago I made a list of the most popular franchises that have been made into porn. Check it out here. Well, it's been a while and I think it's time for an update. At the time I listed the top 15 franchises that get rule 34ed, and since then there have been some big changes. Princess Peach, who was number 1 by a wide margin was dethroned, and you’ll never guess by who.
For those of you who don't know, Rule 34 is the internet joke that if it exists somewhere there is porn of it, no exceptions.
Sadly this means that no matter how beloved a character is, someone out there somewhere made porn of that character.
What was just a few years difference the face of strange porn on the internet has changed. What used to be old-fashioned had drawn is has turned into 3D computer generated porn. It looks like hand-drawn animation is going out of style everywhere, unfortunately. So with the rise of things like Source Filmmaker, all sorts of popular video game characters and franchises are being turned into dirty filthy smut. So just fair warning, most of the top characters are video games now.
That shouldn't surprise you as some video game characters are borderline pornographic long before they get Rule 34ed.
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Yes, I realize that Poison has a penis and Millena has razor-sharp teeth. And, no I don't care, they're both still hot. |
That shouldn't surprise you as some video game characters are borderline pornographic long before they get Rule 34ed.
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I don't care what BS science you make up Konami, there is no excuse for a character to look like that going into battle. |
WARNING!!! While the pictures here are all Safe for work (barely) what follows is a list of some of our most beloved franchises that people have turned into porn. Many of the characters come from properties designed for kids. The following is an actual list of the most popular and thumbs upped characters that have been made into porn and someone somewhere is actually masturbating to it. There may be information below that you don’t want to know. So this is your last warning just in case you want to bail.
Well here are the most popular characters who have been made into porn according to rule34.xxx
Source Filmmaker was a platform to take your favorite video game characters and make funny little movies of them dancing around. Now people have decided to use it to make those same video game characters fuck each other and now they’ve taken over the Rule 34 world. Zoey is a newcomer to this list. She’s also the only one to make the top 100.
Rank: 100
Chun-li was many boys first crush on an animated character as a little kid. I’ve always loved her, and it seems some people took that love a little far. She’s the only Character who made the top 100.
Chun Li
Rank: 98
32. Dragon Ball Z
Nice to see some 2D animated characters here. These Dragon Ball Characters are still pretty popular.
Bulma Briefs
Rank: 89
Rank 95
This is just weird. I guess a lot of dudes who grew up crushing on Emma Watson’s portrayal of Ms. Granger decided to go on to draw dirty pictures of her. I’m pretty sure J.K. never envisioned her characters being popular in this fashion.
Hermione Granger
Rank 90
Tifa is bae, always has been always will be. I love the other characters from FF7. But my dream team is and always will be Cloud, Barret, and Tifa.
Tifa Lockheart
Rank 86
Has Adventure Time been around long enough for the people who watched it as kids to have grown up? Well, either way, it’s an amazing show so I’m pretty sure there were plenty of adults who watched it, me included. The characters aren’t sexualized at all, but for whatever reason people seem to really like its female leads.
Rank 81
Princess Bubblegum
Rank 91
28. Kid Icarus
Being a popular character on Super Smash Bros probably elevated the status of this goddess. Is she a goddess??? I never played the games, I’m just guessing here.
Rank: 79
Seems like Brian isn’t the only person into Lois.
Lois Griffin
Rank: 77
Another kids show. Kim Possible is super popular online. And a simple google search will find you tons of dirty pictures of her, Shego, and Bonnie. This here, this is the part when you begin to fear for your future children and run into their computers and cell phones to turn on safe search.
Kim Possible
Rank: 73
25. Wii Fit
This is a strange one as the Wii Fit training model is basically just lifeless mannequin. I guess it’s proof that many guys aren’t looking for a pretty face as much as a good body. Hopefully, they didn’t have too many awkward moments in their yoga pants while stretching with this game.
Wii Fit Trainer
Rank: 72
Well, this is awkward. The longest-running show in television history apparently has attracted some people in odd ways. What’s worse is the Simpson kids are also on this list. Definitely not fucking cool.
Marge Simpson
Rank 64
Lisa Simpson
Rank 93
Bart Simpson
Rank 95
While she wasn’t my first video game crush, she was for a lot of guys. The brilliant, beautiful, and badass Lara Croft. I know it’s impossible to get married to a fictionalized character, but a man can dream damn it. Don't worry about Tifa baby, you're my real bae.
Lara Croft
Rank: 62
22. Digimon
Rank: 60
21. Mass Effect
Mass Effect had great dialogue, a powerful story, an incredible character development. And while they had great voice acting and an interesting backstory they also made their female characters particularly curvy. I guess the internet noticed.
Liara T’Soni
Rank: 58
Miranda Lawson
Rank 71
Commander Shepard
Rank 82
Don’t know much about this property. Since fairy tales are public domain I’m guessing it’s yet another show that adds new twists to characters and content we all know.
Erza Scarlet
Rank 56
Lucy Heartfilia
Rank: 63
19. Hatsune Miku
She's a vocaloid, a singer who doesn't actually exist. Her voice and body are all created with a computer. The digital popstar comes in as the 52nd most popular character to be turned into smut.
I don’t know much about Bleach. I know I know but anime is one of my weak points, not that I don’t like it, I just don’t have time. The show has one character who comes in at 48th place.
Orihime Inoue
17. Disney Characters
Yeah, so this is weird. But apparently, people didn’t want to build a snowman, but instead couldn’t just let it go, they saw porn as an open door ..... okay I’ll stop. While all the princess are popular only 3 made the top 100. Both protagonists from Frozen made it though Elsa is more popular than Anna. Also, the mom from the Incredibles... so there's that.
Rank 47
Rank 70
Rank 84
People like WoW. It’s remained popular for a long time as have people’s dirty fantasies about the characters in it.
Rank: 46
Blood Elf
Rank 92
15. Sonic The Hedgehog
Strange that characters that aren’t drawn explicitly can still garner a bunch of unwanted attention in the rule 34 world. I’m not sure who finds Amy and Rouge the Bat sexy, but clearly someone does.
Amy Rose
Rouge the Bat
Rank 78
Rank 80
Elizabeth is an amazing, flushed out, nonsexual character in Bioshock. Not once is she ever viewed or used as a sexual object in that game. But that didn’t stop the internet from drawing plenty of dirty pics of her. She is the 38th most popular character in all of rule 34dom.
There’s a mix of human and nonhuman characters here. You might be surprised that the most popular of all is a Pokemon and not the Jesse, Misty, or any of the other human characters. I couldn’t tell you why people are masturbating to pictures of Pikachu, but hey it’s a free country... I guess.
Rank: 30
Rank: 30
Rank: 41
Rank ???
Rank: 66
Rank: ???
12. One Piece
I have heard nothing but good things about this show. This Duo was in the list last time I looked at it years ago. I guess they just have a timeless quality.
Rank: 29
Rank: 29
Nico Robin
Rank: 43
Rank: 43
Comics have been guilty of over-sexualizing their characters for years. Don’t you deny it. Tell me the reason for Power Girl’s boob window! I dare you to explain it why someone would go into battle wearing almost nothing. Anyway, there’s a few different heroines and villains that people seem to enjoy using in porn. The most popular is still Raven of the Teen Titans, though Harley Quinn has seen a jump in popularity, I’m guessing in response to the movie with the ridiculously beautiful and talented Margot Robbie. Oddly enough Wonder Woman hasn’t had a similar reaction after her movie with the simply stunning Gal Gadot. I like to think that it’s because people have too much respect for the character after such an amazing movie. The Best in DC’s new cinematic universe if you ask me.
Rank: 26
Rank: 26
And with that, we’re in the top 10 properties.
I remember back when this was a new Anime to the states and some friends of mine were showing it to me. I can’t believe how big it’s gotten since then. There are characters here that I don’t even recognize. A popular anime, and with that comes the dark side of the internets.
Uzumaki Naruto
Rank: 25
Rank: 25
The ever-popular game has gotten its own share of Rule 34 attention. Only one of its characters made it into the top 100 but even still Ahri being the number 20 most popular Rule 34rd character is still very impressive.
8. Ben 10
Nope nope nope. No comment. This is just weird. But Ben and his sister are very popular in the Rule 34 market. I just pray it’s not in the same images.
Gwen Tennyson
Rank: 15
Rank: 15
Rank: 54
Rank: 54
7. Legend of Zelda
As one of the most popular video game franchises in the world, you can’t be surprised to see it here on this list. What is strange is the internet’s strange fascination with Link in his cross-dressing disguise to sneak into the Gerudo Town.
Princess Zelda
Rank: 14
Rank: 14
Yes, it’s back, though thoroughly knocked back by the influx of new SFM porn. However, the cloppers have stuck by their pony porn, securing it to the #6 spot.
Twilight Sparkle
Princess Celestia
Rank: 68
Rank: 68
Samus was at the #2 spot last time I did this list. She’s slid back to number 5 but she’s holding strong. Turns out while people draw her she’s also a popular model in the SFM world.
She’s an amazing character, and one of Nintendo’s A-list properties. She’s one of the strongest female characters in all of video games which is normally a desert for good female role models. But despite that, she’s been a wet dream for kids since the late 80’s. Shhhhh, don’t tell Tifa or Lara Croft I said this, but you’re my real Bae, I love you.
She’s an amazing character, and one of Nintendo’s A-list properties. She’s one of the strongest female characters in all of video games which is normally a desert for good female role models. But despite that, she’s been a wet dream for kids since the late 80’s. Shhhhh, don’t tell Tifa or Lara Croft I said this, but you’re my real Bae, I love you.
Princess Peach, the number 1 girl of Rule 34 just a few short years ago has been dethroned. But she still holds out as one of the most popular girls online. I mean being the 4th most popular female character on the planet is nothing to shake a leg at. She, her friend Daisy, Rosalina and even Mario and Bowser all made it onto this list. While she isn’t the number one, she’s still a favorite of many as she holds her spot at number 4.
Princess Peach
Rank: 4
Rank: 4
Rank: 17
Rank: 17
Rank: 50
Rank: 50
3. Avatar
Avatar is truly one of the best tv shows I’ve seen in my life. It’s a family show, but by the 3rd season you’re so invested in the story and the characters, and it comes to a perfect close. Legend of Korra is also great. Both have very deep themes and interesting stories. While I love the comedy and characters the action is top notch. Better action and martial arts sequences in this show than I’ve seen in most movies. .... Oh yeah and some dudes on the internet like to draw dirty pictures of Azula, go figure. I guess some guys really do like the bad girls.
Rank: 3
Rank: 3
Rank: 8
Asami Sato
Rank: 16
Toph Bei Fong
Rank: 19
Rank 28
Rank 36
Rank: 45
Rank: 45
Clearly the new winner of Rule 34dom. I don’t know where all of this overwatch porn came from but it just exploded onto the internet. Widowmaker and Tracer seem to be a popular couple online. Overwatch is a fantastic game and the character outfits aren’t too oversexualized. But people seem to be super eager to see every one of those characters naked and doing all sorts of dirty stuff. I’m hearing that Bizzard is cracking down on people using their intellectual property for porn. Good luck with that, Nintendo has been trying for a long time, and those characters are still super popular. Anyhow, all of their characters seem to be the new hot thing on the streets of the internet. I don’t know how long this popularity will last, but for now, they’re the queens of rule 34 internet porn.
Rank: 75
Rank: 75
And now for the number one.
Can you guess who it is?
I’m guessing you can’t because it’s from a strange franchise that I’ve never heard of. ...
Scalie Schoolie Sally
Now I don’t know if this is someone spamming the “thumbs up” button or what but for some reason this internet comic has shot to the top of internet rule 34 porn. It’s only got 1 character in the top 100 and that’s Sally. I had to look up the comic to find out what it was. But it seems to have a following. Even though pictures of it are super rare she somehow has garnered over 37,000 “thumbs up”. The only character who comes close to that is Tracer from Overwatch who just under 36,000 “thumbs up” After that the next closest is a big drop, Azula with well over 25,000 “thumbs up” Well whether it’s through spamming, a glitch, or a really enthusiastic fan base, Sally from Scalie Schoolie is the current queen of Rule 34. Congrats.
So, looking back. I thought it would be interesting to look at this data in another way. What franchise is the sexiest, or what franchise has the largest number of characters who made it into the top 100.
Well as far as companies go Nintendo is the clear winner here. ..
In the top 100, 18 of them are Nintendo properties. That’s nearly a fifth of them! Pretty impressive. But let’s look at individual games.
In the top 100, 18 of them are Nintendo properties. That’s nearly a fifth of them! Pretty impressive. But let’s look at individual games.
You can’t deny that the cast of Mass Effect is sexy. How many of us fulfilled our Captain Kirk fantasies and slept with an alien girl? Don’t Lie, we all fell in love with Liara and Tali.
No surprise here. Though I was a bit disappointed not a single Marvel character made it onto the list. Strange considering Mary Jane, and Gwen Stacy are some of the most beautiful girls in comic books. But I'm happy to see that my favorite heroines, villianess, and anti-heroes of the DC universe made the list.
People love those Naruto characters and there’s no indication that they’ll be going away anytime soon.
This was the first game I ever played. Super Mario Bros on the NES. As the graphics got better we all got to see just how pretty the princesses in that Universe actually are. No wonder Mario breaks his neck saving them over and over again.
The show and games have a revolving cast. And each of them seems to have their own generation of fans.
I still can’t explain this one. But I don’t have to. You like, what you like, no judgments here. But that show has a huge cast, and every one of them is a popular character to turn into porn.
The new kid on the block, kicking ass and taking names. Overwatch is insanely popular right now amongst people playing online and people playing with themselves.
An amazing family show. But for some reason, people really love these characters. It’s interesting because SFM porn seems to have taken over but Avatar characters are as popular as ever. 15 characters from this show have made it into the top 100 most thumbs upped rule 34 characters. As impressive as it is, I don’t think the showrunners will be listing that among the different accolades for the show.
So that's it, until I make another in a few years. Hey don't feel bad if a property you really like isn't on this list, I guarantee you, somewhere on the internet, there's porn of it. Well... almost everything.
So that's it, until I make another in a few years. Hey don't feel bad if a property you really like isn't on this list, I guarantee you, somewhere on the internet, there's porn of it. Well... almost everything.
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