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Well... sort of... |
And I have just one question for filmmaker Zack Snyder.....
Do you hate these characters? That's a serious question. Do you hate these DC characters, Superman in particular? If not then Why WHY WHYYYY would you do this to them?
Let's start from the beginning. Firstly I am a huge DC fan. Actually I'm a fan of all comic books, so don't even get me started on that ridiculous Marvel v DC debate. But I have a deep respect for these characters and their roots. It's understandable that they have to change as the times change, but not when you take them in a complete 180 degrees from what those characters were. The writers basically tossed them and tons of other characters into a meat grinder of a script and mashed up characters and storylines. But let's break this down, let's talk about the good and the bad, and i'll do my best not to spoil stuff that's not in the trailers.
The Good
Alfred, Perry White, and Lois Lane. They seemed like real people and actually had some pretty good dialogue. I also liked that Wonder Woman has been around for possibly centuries and doesn't seem to age. Wonder Woman was a great added character and she was totally interesting. I'd love to see a film just on her and where she came from. I also think that they did a pretty good job with Batman's look. Personally I don't think that a Batman who kills people, works in a more realistic universe but I have to say this is the best Bat fighting I think I've ever seen. As awesome as the Dark Knight is, you have to admit you can't really see any of Batman's fight moves. And Ben Affleck actually did a good job playing the character.
I also thought there were a few good scenes that really got the characters down to their core. The scene where Superman questions his role here on Earth with Lois Lane was great. The scenes where he's haunted by the people he failed to save was good too. And most of the scenes with Alfred and Bruce were pretty well done.
Well as for the bad.....
The Characters
Zack Snyder, have you ever read a superman comic? Have you seen the Christopher Reeves movies? If so then you'll know that Superman is the beacon of hope, he is a character of warmth and love. He's supposed to represent the best of humanity. The superman in this movie seemed... like an alien. Every scene he seems so drifty and indifferent to everything. I know that Henry Cavil is a good actor. We all saw how great he could be in The Man From UNCLE. So why did he seem like he had only been on earth for a few days. He never has a tenth, a hundredth of the warmth and the positivity that Christopher Reeves had when he played the iconic character.
Hell we even go more warmth out of Brandon Routh when he played the character.
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Hell there was more to the character in Smallville |
And as much as I liked Ben Affleck's Batman does every line he reads have to be a catchphrase? And why does he kill. A murderous Batman kinda worked in the Tim Burton universe as that was an exaggerated crazy version of things. But in a real world.... a guy going around and killing people with no trial. That's the Punisher not the dark knight. Batman has always played judge and jury but he only turned them over to the police. Playing executioner is too far. A guy who isn't a police officer and answers to nobody... you're basically describing George Zimmerman and that is NOT my Batman. I mean would he have killed Superman if their mom's didn't have the same name. Is he really interested in killing someone who he really doesn't know or understand??? Seriously I'm supposed to root for this guy. He sounds like the villain in any other movie.
Lastly Lex Luthor. Most people were angry about how he played it more like the riddler or the joker than lex. I really didn't mind that they changed up his character, but my issue was that it seemed like he was the stand in for the critics of the first movie. The same way that M. Night Shyamalan put a literal movie critic in his movie Lady in the Water.
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I'm disappointed too |
Still these are all talented people. If I blame anyone it's the writers. Afterall they're the ones who fucked up....
The Plot
What was happening in this movie. It seemed more like a stream of unrelated scenes rather than a movie. The are weird dream sequences that seem out of place, and why why why would you include doomsday. This movie is trying to do too much. First you introduce almost all of the characters from the comic book, doing none of them justice. On top of that none of this is earned. Doomsday... in the second fucking film!?!? That storyline firstly isn't that great to begin with, and secondly why did you think you could just mash up the Dark Knight Returns and Superman Doomsday into one film when you know that you couldn't do one of those stories right in a single film.
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And on top of that, it's the worst CGI since the Green Lantern movie |
I knew this film was in trouble with Snyder brought out Frank Miller and started reading from one of the greatest comics of all time "The Dark Knight Returns" But that comic worked because it was Superman and Batman fighting at the END of their careers not the beginning! Guess what, we've seen this fight in the comics, and in the animated tv show, and in the comic books AGAIN! It always ends with them realizing they're on the same side. Every single fucking time, meaning that we went into this movie with no stakes. Nothing.
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You mean we're on the same side... Boy, I sure do feel like kind of an asshole now |
Before I get accused of being a Marvel fanboy I should tell you that as a 90's kid who grew up watching the DC animated universe (still to this date the definitive iteration of those characters in the audio visual medium), most of my favorite characters are actually DC characters. To this date my favorite comic book characters are ...
Swamp Thing
Green Lantern (John Stewart Version)
Captain America
The Flash (Wally West Version)
I think that new interpretations of characters are great but you have to remember what's at their core. And this movie turns Batman and Superman into idiots. They seriously couldn't work this out without fighting? I know, Lex Luthor is a genius but still the fact that he played these two like puppets is just disturbing.
The two guys seriously were just ready to kill each other??? Over what? Again this fight wasn't earned. The two characters came to a point in The Dark Knight Returns. Here... it just seems rushed and lazy at the same time. These characters are supposed to be our heroes and yet they can't seem to work out their shit without getting into the biggest pissing contest the planet has ever seen. Superman in particular is not just a big tough guy who punches stuff. That's the HULK. Superman is a born leader, he's the voice of reason, the big blue boyscout, guy who will always put others needs in front of his own and can't help but try to save everybody.
I love these characters and I just want to see them done right. Please DC.... GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!!! Between the new 52 and this I'm starting to wonder if they even like those characters I grew to love in the 90's.
Wait what's that? I have to give the movie a rating?
I give it a rating of: Buy a ticket to see Deadpool instead and afterward sneak into this movie. I say that because the more money you give them, the more they'll think that they made the right decisions. Remember, studios don't read reviews, they only see one thing and that's green.
Justice League!!! We need your help. You're greatest enemy has revealed himself It's Zack Snyder and whatever DC Execs thought this script and the new 52 was a good idea. GO GET THEM!!
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