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Internet Commercials Suck.. But They Don't Have To.

I love watching things on the internet. I actually don't even have cable because I can catch any show I want to see online. Between Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon Streaming I can see just about any show I want to see with relative ease. The problem is when you watch so many videos on Youtube and Hulu, you end up watching loads of commercials. And unfortunately it's gotten to the point where I honestly hate the internet ads. 

I realize the real reason internet adds suck more than regular comercials. Because we are more likely to watch them. Nobody watches commercials on TV for the most part (unless its REALLY funny). During the commercial break most people run to the bathroom or get something to eat. Internet commercials are short and because the video can be paused we don't feel the need to get up whenever the commercial break starts. So we end up watching them, which wouldn't be so unbearable if they weren't all THE FUCKING SAME! Every I'm sick and tired of having to sit through the same commercial over and over again. I'll admit I always pay attention for a new commercial but after seeing the same one maybe 30 times a day, it begins to get a little jarring. The problem is on Youtube people get sponsored, so if you are going through a bunch of videos on one Youtuber's channel then you will be seeing lots of the same commercial. 

But these commercials don't have to suck. Advertisers are missing a great opportunity being on the internet. Why are they just showing us stuff like they do with TV adds when they could be interacting with us. I once saw a commercial for a puzzle game where instead of showing they actually gave me the option of doing a puzzle and I played it for like 20 mins. Then bought the game. Advertisers aren't being creative, they are just taking the adds from TV and putting it on the internet. So advertisers I'm talking to YOU. Because I'm sure you all read my Blog, here is what you could do to make commercials better. 

1. Change it up. And I'm not saying the same advertiser can't advertise twice. I mean you should have different commercials even when it's the same product. We get sooo tired of the same ad over and over and over and over and over and over and over and..... you get the point. 

2. Make it more interactive or creative. Hit us with something we haven't seen before. Screw with our expectations.  Like the 'don't skip it' intro to the Evil Dead add. Where we got told not to skip the trailer. It totally threw me off when I saw it. 

3. Keep em short. The longer the commercial the more tempted I will be to leave. Honestly most places do a good job of this already but sometimes I'll notice some pretty long commercials in there for certain programs. If the commercial gets to long you run into the same problem that you had with the TV adds. People turn off completely and don't want to see int anymore. 

DO these things and maybe, JUST MAYBE, I'll consider buying your products. And hey someday maybe we'll look at ads as something we look forward to, instead of something we have to put up with. 

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