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Is Mass Effect 3's Citadel DLC really worth it?

Yes, yes it totally is. I'll talk about the topic spoiler free at first but I'll get really into it in the spoiler section.

 I was as disappointed as everyone else when the ME3 came out. Without spoiling anything, the problem comes when you find out who is behind the whole reaper threat. Then they force you to make a choice, and all the choices are dumb. It's the same problem I had with Fallout: New Vegas. You give us a choice, but I hate all of the choices. Now a sad ending can work, (for example Fallout 3), but it has to feel earned. With Mass Effect, and New Vegas for that matter, I felt like "Seriously, these are the only ways this can go? Your telling me we can't make this work in a better way." Sometimes I feel like Frank Sinatra or Finn and I just wanna force through and get things done MY WAY.

But seriously the citadel DLC is totally worth it and it may even be my favorite DLC in all of Mass Effect. I may even like it better than Leviathan and the Lair of the Shadow Broker. Citadel allows you to go on a short adventure with your team. Even bring back Wrex from the first game, allowing you to have your entire team with you. It also gives you the chance to have even more personal time with whichever character you're romancing. But most importantly you get to ..... 

PARTY !!!!!!!!

The greatest thing about Mass Effect was it's characters. I loved everybody on the ship for all three games. YES, even Ashley. Citadel allows you to actually spend time with the group and enjoy them as people er... um aliens....well people and aliens I guess. 

Now before I go into the spoilers I just want to say that if you are on the fence because you are still pissed at EA for that ending, OR you were interested until you heard people bitching up and down about the ending and consequently didn't get it: PICK UP THE GAME. Citadel is well worth your money and lots of fun to play through. I know, you don't want to give them even more of your cash but I'd say Mass Effect 3 with the extended ending, Leviathan DLC, and the Citadel DLC, is a pretty solid game. The other DLC's are good but not essential. I wouldn't recommend playing ME3 without Leviathan and Citadel. Also DO NOT play the Citadel DLC until you are at the end of the game. I don't want to spoil anything so I'll say its after the mission where you run into Miranda and her sister. You will be given the final mission after that and this is the perfect time to do the Citadel DLC. One last hurrah before you go off to destroy the reapers. Well Now that that's out of the way. 

Now the original ending to Mass Effect was a bit of a let down. In the first and second game the Reapers were a real threat. THey were a mysterious, awe inspiring, formidable, and seemingly unstoppable force that was going to wipe out the galaxy. However in the end, they were run by a faulty AI gone rouge. Either that or you sign on to the whole indoctrination theory. An interesting theory but I could never sign on for it, because it's kind of a 'fuck you' to the audience. Now, to be fair a big pull the rug out from under you surprise ending can work for one game ( i.e. Bioshock), but you can't build up a trilogy making us care about the characters, just to end it with AND YOUR ALL FUCKED.
Damn you Star Child!!!!!
To be honest, that whole thing reminded me of another scene I hate.

But with Leviathan and Citadel DLC the games ending doesn't seem nearly as bad. When you actually find Leviathan and discover what the Reapers really are, I felt like "Damn, this is how the game should have done this in the first place." It stays in line with the epic scale and makes you feel like Shepard is facing impossible odds. Citadel gives us all the real goodbye we wanted. In the main game you get to say last words on a video phone. A FUCKING VIDEO PHONE. While some random dude watches you. You cant have a real moment with them because you have the operator staring at you. Citadel allows you to really say goodbye.

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